This is my commuter. D's Dad's old bike.
Some of you will recognize that pink smoke paint job on the GT Tequesta. It's odd riding a 7 speed bike, and those thumb shifters!
It's parked in front of my bike locker at the train station. There's a waiting list for bike lockers, but the deal is you pay a $50 deposit for the key and check in with them every three months. If you loose the key, it cost $50 to replace, but if you finish with the locker and turn in the key, you get the 50 back.
Riding the bike cuts 20-30 minutes off my trip to and from the station. Yay!
I ride the roads, then cut through the neighborhoods and over a stream that divides subdivisions on this little path. The bike slot on the left of the stairs is handy...the GT weighs a good 35lbs... Well...maybe not, but it is too heavy to carry up the stairs.